Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Birthday Boy Wishes

By the way, its my birthday today.........

I'm never the demanding type when it comes to my birthday. I don't really expect people to, throw a party for me, or shower me with, love, hugs, kisses and gifts. Heck I don't really expect a lot of people to even remember it. I've always been a low profile kinda guy anyway. Of course, to not expect isn't the same as hoping for it right? ;) Apart from being rather shy when it comes to these things, I don't really know how to breach the topic of my birthday without saying something to the effect of "Hey, I was born today. Lets go out and celebrate ME! I want to be treated like the most special person on earth for today, and you should all pretend just how much I mean to you and how much I've changed your lives.".... or something like that.

I hate it when people ask me what I want for my birthday. Frankly, its because they really don't know what to buy me. "Its difficult buying a gift for you. We don't know what you want.", they tell me. First of all, you don't have to buy me anything... I really am one of those guys that don't need gifts. A simple wish, buy me a drink, and toast to my health, and I'm happy as a clown who just found his juggles. ALSO, unknown to many of my friends, I'm actually one of those people crazy enough to actually enjoy reading. YES, I ENJOY READING. And if that makes me a geek, well.... I just hope I'm a really sexy and desirable one. Haha.... SOOO... that also means that I am actually one of those people who would genuinely welcome a book as a gift... Is it really that hard? Just buy some best seller book from the nearest book store, lie to me about how you really love this book and enjoyed reading it (don't tell me you meant the synopsis at the back cover), and how you wanted to share this with me. Mission accomplished! I'm easy!

People have always told me I'm too nice, and that I hold my tongue more often than not just to avoid hurting other people's feelings. They complain about it, but then they tell me they love me for it.. Gosh, these people are impossible! Similarly, I never tell me I want anything on my birthday, because I hate to have to see their faces when they find out the thing I want the most, are the things they can't afford, or they can't possibly give me. Its much kinder (and less of a hassle) for me to just go along with whatever they give, and love the things they give rather than for ask them to give me the things I love.

So, what ARE the things I really want anyway? In the context of this secret little blog I have (that basically means all things related to sex), here are the list of things I am wanting oh-so-devilishly:

1. Fuck Buddy
No brainer here, and self explanatory. Though sometimes I just wonder if I'd be comforable with the 'fuck' part without first establishing the 'buddy' part. Maybe I'm just old fashion, but I think if ever the day came where I did find a candidate, I would still like to get to know her first, even if its just a little. I mean, its another human being, whom you are about to have carnal knowledge (that means 'fuck' for those who don't know what it means) with.... I can't pretend I don't give
a shit about who you are.

2. Orgy / Threesome
Yes, Sorry, I know... lame ass fanstasy of every man. I can hear the women say "Can't you dick heads think of something else?".... But really, I'd love to try a threesome.. 1 guy with 2 girls AND 2 guys with one girl... or a room full of naked men and women running while.. have your pick. Here's a secret... I actually suggested this once to my girlfriend many years ago... she kinda, sorta was lukewarm to it...Didn't say yes straight away, but didn't say "Go to hell" either... but since we didn't know anyone who would actually up to it, the idea kind of died down and she quickly changed her mind later... Leaving me high and dry to search elsewhere to fulfill my fantasies.

3. Sex with someone I just met
I think everyone thinks of this sometimes. Mine would take place at a nice classy pub / bar. No noisy clubs / discos for me please. We'll both be sitting next to each other, firstly arm length apart. We make small talk and chat.. we hit it off real quick. By the third drink, the blood starts to pump, and we are whispering dirty little words close into each others ears turning me on and giving me a hell of a hard on underneath my pants. Finally, caressing the inside of my thighs, with a twinkle in her eyes, she gives me a soft, cheeky bite on my ears and whispers "Lets go to my place big boy....."

So, as far as I can gather, there you go, the things I want on my birthday! Haha... see what I mean? You don't exactly blow out your birthday candle and announced "I wish for a fuck buddy everyone!"

Oh well..... Cute party hats, cheesy little party whistles and out of tune birthday songs wholeheartedly sang by those who really care and love you isn't too bad also I guess. If your birthday is nearby or just past, Happy birthday to you too! :)



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