Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm addicted to... post-coital bliss

You know that fuzzy feeling you get right after you orgasm?

You know...... that relaxing and blissful feeling of contentment, satisfaction and peace after a round of utterly mind blowing sex? The one where you lie down in bed next to each other, your body all hot and sweaty, breathless, yet completely thrilled. You turn to her, and you see this special glow on her face. She's flushing, and her cheeks turn a slight rosy pink. She smiles and snuggles up to you, you hold her close in your arms, and she rests her head on your chest. It seems a perfect fit. You give her a loving kiss her on her head, she stirs as you gently caress her smooth back. At that moment in time, your mind thinks of nothing else, your heart feels for nothing else, except this beautiful woman next to you; with her eyes close, perfectly content just to continue lying there, in the full beauty and imperfection of her nakedness, as long as the moment lasted. Neither one bothers to put any cloths on, both just basking in the that fuzzy feeling... such contentment... such satisfaction... such bliss...

That's right... they even have a name for it... Post Coital Bliss they call it... It really is one of the most fantastic feelings in the world isn't it? I don't think its something you get every time you have sex (unless you tell me sex with you is mind blowing every single time! If that's true then boy do I want to meet you!). But realistically, I don't think anyone can ever claim that they're a God / Goddess in bed all the time, every time! And its definitely not something you can get out of masturbating / jacking off... I don't know if anyone really feels 'blissful' after masturbating. For me it just curbs the horniness a bit... It doesn't really sexually satisfy me.

It's a physical reaction actually. Your body releases endorphins and chemicals telling you to relax... and you feel high. You look at the person next to you and you swear you just want to have this person and make love to her every single waking minute. Even if you aren't in a relationship with this person, or you don't even love them, at that blissful little moment, you really can't think of lying there in bed with anyone else....

Ahh..... I'm addicted... to post coital bliss. Anyone care for some? ;)


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