Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm feeling pissed off

Forgive me if for the next few paragraphs I sound like a bratty teenager complaining about his shitty little life....I might just be having "post-teenage-delayed-angst-& rebellion-syndrome".... it happens to young adults who were too overly obedient and good in their teen years and are now trying to compensate for in adulthood. Difference is we have money, and teens don't. Hahaha..*evil laugh*.......


I'm feeling pissed off...

Not for any particular reason really... just having one of those crappy days where nothing seems to ever go right.....

People chasing down your neck with deadlines long overdue.. incompetent and slacking colleagues who have no sense of urgency... and so much work to do I've hardly had the time to myself. I've had no time to write, reflect or express in my blogs these days..... And when you don't have an outlet to let off some steam, you turn into this really cranky guy that seems to be pissed off at everything and everyone no particular reason. .

I've been having a permanent frown on my face for 2 weeks straight I think. I'm drowning in the sheer amount of things that demand my attention.. I've got a job demands my attention 7 days a week whether or not I'm in office, my job scope has now increased with a recent promotion I got, I have to be in 3 possible places next week, I've got junior colleagues to supervise and guide (and at the same time try to to boss around), my girlfriend has been hounding me non stop of marriage plans and details etc, my mother has been pushing to be taken out of the nursing home, my brother is asking me for advise over his apparent lack of career progress, and also receiving relationship advise from me over his 1 year old relationship, my girlfriends younger brother injured his leg twice in a motorbike accident, and now wants a car instead, I'm trying to arrange new tenants to take over our apartment in KL, I'm also helping my girlfriend put her car up for sale, my father wants to move to the Philippines to be with his girlfriend, I'm supposed to commit to a mini break in Pangkor Island in 4 weeks (which I don't know if I can), my phone service provider has mistakenly barred my phone twice due to some stupid internal problem their having, I've got my girlfriend's birthday to plan next month (which must include her family, I have my OWN birthday next week, and my family and girlfriend expect me to spend with them (I insisted I don't want to do anything, but they weren't taking any of that nonsense),............ AND... I've hardly had any time to go swimming......... the one and only thing I enjoy doing that can be done completely alone, without interruptions from people looking for you or calling you, or having to talk to anyone. This then leads to me having my ass stuck in a chair the whole day.. which then leads to fats accumulating further on my body, which then leads to me feeling even more miserable... AND..... my girlfriend is having her period, so she's extra cranky due to the cramps, I get to deal with all the undeserved emotional outbursts, and of course, NO SEX.

DAMN IT..... why the hell do things always come in waves? And that's just all the things I have to deal with OTHER PEOPLE. This list doesn't even include my own personal issues... everyone wants a piece of my time, but where does the ME time come in? Where do I find the time to sit down and sort out my own issues, to meet the people I want to meet and do the things I want to do? Its when you feel like this that you feel like you want to escape....... to go away from everyone you know in your life.... leave all your cares behind and just...........well.... escape!

Here's what I'd do.........

1. Pack cloths for a long weekend
2. Take the next flight out to Bali / other islands
3. Meet up with a stunning beautiful stranger (or bring one from Malaysia) for a fling
4. Nice cosy dinner in fancy Balinese restaurant
5. Get a nice Balinese massage
6. Slow evening stroll by the sea side
7. Throw my phone into the sea!
8. Return to room for night long of slow sensual love making sessions

OK... maybe only 1~ 6 is realistic. But still....

Everyone needs their person space... a time for belonging entirely to themselves. No parents to keep happy, no needy loved ones, no crisis to manage, no problems to solve, no phone, no emails, no IM's, no facebooking, Just some quiet time....... for you to clear your head, to ponder and reflect, to take a deep breath and look at the things happening in your life. I've come to realize I need this more than the average person, possibly because I deal with more crap than the average person.

P/S: To add injury to insult, 1 day after writing this post, I find out that our water supply has been cut because a certain someone forgot to pay the bill for a few months. WTF! WTF! WTF! Now its left to me to go scream, shout, pay the bill and get those water guys to move their ass and reconnect my water lines. I'll probably go swimming straight after work today & bath at the pool, but how the hell am I supposed to go to work tomorrow unwashed? Celaka.......... Damn that Murphy's Law...


Deziree July 21, 2009 at 9:36 PM  

everyone has their seasons of dealing with crap. and neil gaiman would agree ("events are cowards. they never occur singly. they leap out at you like a pack of wolves.").

if i didn't have a real life and strict conservative parents, my list would be:

1. pack for a long weekend
2. find/seduce someone to take me away to some exotic island :P


btw ur email address keeps bouncing back the emails im trying to send you. :( any alternative email adds??

Anonymous July 21, 2009 at 9:49 PM  

how i wish i'm as busy as you and have as many problems as you do lol..

i'm really bored to death, both in the office and at home, sigh..


Compulsive Blogger July 22, 2009 at 10:40 AM  


Well, this definitely is my crap season, I can't wait for the end of the year when things (are supposed to) slow down.

I just sent u an alternative email last night. Drop me a comment if u didn't get anything.


Hey, take MY problems anytime! I beg u! lol.

Be careful what u wish for! It may sound eventful and all, but its no walk in the park, and its anything but fun.

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