Friday, July 17, 2009

Random Thoughts #1

I'm thinking.....

Everyone seems to so caught up with Twitter recently.... I don't think I'm about to jump on the band wagon just yet. 5 years ago, web logs a.k.a blogs were all the rage..... now its micro blogging... Do we all really need to the minute updates on what other people are doing, especially celebrities? Who the hell cares what Paris Hilton, Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan is up to all the time anyway? Writing and blogging is very personal to me, so sorry if I don't share the enthusiasm of sharing everything that's on my mind immediately.

I'm thinking.....

I should be replying emails, moving my ass and get my work schedule all laid out.. What I am doing INSTEAD is writing personal blog posts, getting all horny for a woman's ass, and wishing I was getting laid right now instead sitting in office. Really need to get some fucking tonight...... If my boss only knew, he wouldn't have given me that promotion.. Hahaha.... I think its my own little revenge for having to work non stop and traveling here and there for the next 2 weeks. I think I'm should go on a mini break after that...

I'm thinking.....

I should have studied business or banking instead... Not for the career prospects, but for the women. I mean, at least in college, business schools has quite a balance ration of women... and at the work place... there are certainly more women working in office..Or, I should have been a Gynecologist instead..... you get paid to examine women's pussy all day. OK, maybe not. I'm a bit too dysfunctional to do that job properly. But even doctors, get it good you know.. Heard of Dr. Hayden Khoo? He must be a legend among doctors by now.... albeit for all the wrong reasons. I studied engineering.. and ended up in the Oil & Gas industry...a well paying but extremely sexually deprived industry. Its mostly men at work... and when there is a woman in the mix.. we turn into bizarre tongue wagging dimwits rather than proper engineers....Not a good thing, when you are building things that could collapse and get people killed if you screwed up. High pressure, no women, constantly overworked, and the ever fear of holding the live of others in your hands.... Yup... I should have studied banking.


Lee Yoong Shin July 17, 2009 at 3:30 PM  

hey, great blog. thanks for sharing your inner thoughts!

Compulsive Blogger July 18, 2009 at 4:06 PM  

Hi Shin,

Thanks for the complement! Remember, its a secret.... so shuuuuuu.

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