Saturday, August 1, 2009

To shave or not to shave

"I need a shave..." I thought to myself.

I had not had the time on the weekend to do it. I would have preferred lazying around, watching a movie or having dinner with some friends, but unfortunately for me, I had just spent the entire weekend under the scorching hot sun, attending to work in the middle of a chemical plant up north of the region. On top of looking a bit scruffy with my overgrown beard, my face and neck were red from the sunburn; I had forgotten all about packing a shaver and sun block when going.

When I did finally make my way back to civilization in KL, there was a surprise waiting for me. My other half had, in all the free time that I was away, shaved her pubic hair. "What do you think? How does it look?" she asks... "Nice of course!" came my reply.... Remember this folks, whether her pussy looks bare like the sahara desert or the Amazon jungle... save yourself the witty remarks... the answer should always be "Yes, it looks nice." (And since we are on that, remember also that the answer is always "NO, you don't look fat it that dress" for that other question). For the record, I wasn't lying. It DID look all nice, neat and delicious. In fact, it kinda turned me on, despite being all exhausted, sun burned and tired. I felt like just sitting her up on the counter and eater her pussy out there and then.... but WAIT.... there was a trick up her sleeve!

"Do YOU want to try it?" she cheekily asks..

"TRY it? I want to have it now!" I said... thinking of licking her pussy.

"NO.... I mean, do you want to try shaving clean also?".... she said

"........What? You mean, bare skin shaved like that? What for?"... I asked in surpised.

"Ya, come la! It will be fun! I did it, now so should you!" she replied all excited and girly.... and with a seductive smile flashing at me she says "I'll make sure you are well rewarded...".. and gives me this naughty wink......


Men are such suckers... I AM such a sucker. I never know how to say NO to women... especially when they're all girly, naughty, charming and playful all at the same time. THIS woman in particular constantly has me by the balls, metaphorically and literally. She always knows what to say to get me to agree with her. Sex always does the trick..... If that didn't work, there was always other weapons..The 'manja' approach, the 'tantrum' approach, and of course...the 'cold shoulder'....Between these few, one of it always gets me.

I've never attempted shaving my pubic hair before. Trimming and keeping it neat yes.. But shaving it CLEAN... erm... no. I thought she wanted me to go shave and show her the results... Turns out she wanted to do it FOR me... Hmmm.... How DO you shave all your pubic hair of anyway? Within 10 minutes, she had me lying down on the bed, stark naked. She takes out this funny looking tube of cream, and with a spatula, starts spreading it all over my crotch. Smelt kind of like a hair salon. So THIS is how women shave their legs etc... This funny cream that you apply, leave on and scape off after 10 minutes.

"I think we better put more, and leave it longer, since you have so much hair!" she jests at me...

I give her a half confused half amused laugh. This was way beyond my area of expertise.

10 minutes later, my pubic hair looks all frizzled and loose, and she expertly scapes off all the hair. I look on below with amazement. The hair was coming right off!

"There's still some stubborn hair around and on your balls. I'll get the shaver." she quickly adds.

"What? SHAVER? Balls? No... aaa.. let me.. let me do it.. I'll shave it myself" I blurt out, with a hint of exasperation.

Now, ladies, take note. Please do not feel offended if your male partner refuses to let you hold a shaver / any sharp object anywhere near his genitalia. It's not you. Its us. We get nervous when there are sharp objects around our balls. You heard about Achilles heel? Well, our balls are our heel... or something like that la.. you get the point. We don't like sharp objects near our balls! It's painful! That, plus all the horror stories men tend to remember about angry wives or girlfriends cutting their man's cock / balls off out of revenge. How do I know this is not some elaborate plan of yours to mutilate me because I forgot that yesterday was our anniversary?

So, for the first time in my life, I was delicately stretching my cock with one hand and shaving it with the other.. balls and all while my other half waited less than patiently outside with intermittent shouts of "OK adi or not? So long!"....

"Wait la.. its a lot of hair!"... I shot back.

"Unbelievable" I muttered to myself. Referring to the things we men do for women. We open doors for them, we pay for dinner bills, we give in during arguments, we fix their car for them and now it seems... we even shave our balls for them. If I remember correctly, I kept my pubic hair grooming to a minimum at HER insistence some time ago. She liked the pubic hair that formed just below my navel and all around my crotch... and she specifically forbid me from shaving or trimming down the hair there. "Very man..." she said to me... and with that 2 words.. I obliged.. You see what I mean.. we are all suckers for women.

I've never had delicate fingers. Rather clumsy actually. But through some super human effort, I managed to delicately shave my balls and crotch clean. Pleased with my handiwork.. I walk out the toilet door to parade my 'new look' manhood.

"So, do you like it? What do you think of it?".... she ask in excitement.

Now, I've always had a dry sense of humour. Sometimes, I say things rather candidly, and not always to good ends...

"It looks ok. Kinda like a porn star really...... Mmmmm...... kinda also looks like a baby elephant also. Remember Dumbo?" I replied without thinking while pulling the scrotum to the side like elephant ears.

OH BROTHER. Wrong thing to say! But too late...... she couldn't stop laught for the next 5 minutes. I was laughing too.. but also kicking myself for making such a stupid remark. I mean, I had no qualms about laughing at myself... I've never believed in taking myself too seriously... But this one really takes cake. This was my MANHOOD I was jesting about. DUMBO?....... Bloody hell, what have I done? How is she ever going to find me sexy ever again? Lol.... Oh well.. but then again, I did read somewhere that women prefer men with a sense of humour.. even if it is a bit off key.

So after mercifully containing her laughter, she quiet down, making a good examination of my genitals like only a nurse could. 2 balls in tact? Check. 1 penis unbroken? Check. Scrotum? Minor cuts.. but check. With a cheeky grin, she goes down on me and starts giving me a blowjob..... taking me deep into her mouth now that there was no hair to bother her.

I of course, put my hands behind my head, closed my eyes... and enjoyed the fruits of my labour..... Damn, I love blowjobs. ;)

Over the next few days, I just started to wonder.. Do women prefer men to be hairy or hairless? Do they prefer men to have fully shaved & groomed pubic hair? Perhaps a little trimming is enough? Or maybe some find a big amazonian bush around the crotch 'very man'... like my other half does? What about facial hair? Beard? Mustache? Do women actually find these body hair attractive on men? Some female friends of mine insist that men should always be clean shaven, others seem to think the hairier the better....

Half way through my day, I get a text from my other half.. She was still laughing to herself the next day, remembering my 'dumbo' remark..... Sigh. Years and years of trying to build up my sex appeal.. shattered in a day. I'll be more careful the next time I think I need a shave... and a bit more careful with my cute remarks.



Anonymous August 1, 2009 at 10:03 PM  

Emailed you :)

Jack August 2, 2009 at 8:54 PM  

My take is, your girl was turned on by your cute remarks.

Compulsive Blogger August 3, 2009 at 5:30 PM  


Yes, thank you for the email ;)


I hope you are right man! Whatever it is, the sooner she forgets it the better! lol

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