Thursday, August 13, 2009

My revenge.. on them good looking pepple.

You know how beautiful or sexy women always get looks from men as they walk by?

They know their attractive, they know their beautiful, they know you have your eye on them........ and they know that you too.

If I'm at a social meet, and there's a really beautiful or hot woman of the above type amongst me, I sometimes make it a point to just completely ignore them. I don't look at them, I don't try to impress them, and I don't try to make them notice me, like the half dozen men standing around her. I'd talk, laugh and joke with every other women around, except her.

I will not give her the satisfaction that yet ANOTHER guy can't keep their eyes off her, that with her killer looks and charming smile, she's got me too, even if it were true. I will not stand to be counted amongst her legion of admirers, tripping themselves over her in hopes of trying to gain her fancy.

I will not subject the rest of the so called 'less attractive' women to secondary treatment, just because someone hotter is sitting next to them. They deserve attention and respect too. I know how it feels to be sitting right next to a person who is the object of desire of all the women / men in the room. You feel like you could be a table prop and no one would tell the difference.

It's my weird and convoluted little revenge on them good looking people.....

Do you ever do that, or is it just me?

[UPDATED] Actually, it's just my revenge on good looking people who seem to be too full of themselves, strutting around thinking their looks automatically make them more desirable than others. How many really good looking people have you met who have manage to not let their looks get to their head anyway? I'm sure the answer is not many enough.


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