Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I need this book : Idiot's Guide: How To Get Laid

2 seconds after publishing that last post, I wondered if I should perhaps delete it.

I was suddenly worried about what people might start thinking. I was just thinking.. "Ayo, after whoever reads it just thinks I'm just this crude, horny desperate guy who doesn't even know how to get himself laid. How ar how ar how ar?"

Then I remembered. "Wait, oh ya, right...I AM a freaking crude horny desperate guy who doesn't know how to get himself laid. It's not the only thing that I am.. but it's certainly one of the things." Hahaha........

I laughed at myself.... and decided to just keep it there.

After all, I'm pretty sure every (normal) human being, male or female, young or old, straight or gay, holy or hell-bound have at some point in their life felt the same way... Horny as hell but not doing anything about it cuz, they're just not quite sure WHAT do to.

You know that series of 'Idiots Guide To' books? Yeah, well I think they missed one subject to their series.

 "Idiot's Guide : How To Get Laid"


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