Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Laughing Your Panties Off

You know how some men are real charmers? They ooze with so much masculinity and sexual energy that women get wet in their panties just by looking (or talking) to them. Well, I'm not one of them. But I do love to hate them. I don't know how to charm women. I don't know how to get them wet in their panties.

Maybe if I had a British accent I could, but I grew up freaking KL. The only British line I know is "Yeah Baby!" by Austin Powers. I doubt that'd work.

But there is one thing I think I can do - make women laugh. Not in the goofy slapstick kind of way ala Jim Carey, but the drier more subtle kind of funny that will get you smiling and chuckling rather than bursting out loud. I don't mean to brag, but I've been told a few times by women that it's actually an appealing quality. Women like being with a man who can make them laugh. At least, that's what a few of them said. I know how to hold a good conversation (mainly by shutting up and letting the woman do all the talking), I know how to complement a woman sincerely and I am think I am reasonably witty. I'm pretty confident in saying that I am reasonably good company.

................................OK, you can puke now.

Unfortunately, it's not exactly the kind of gift that will land a lot of women in your bed. I read somewhere that researches found that an evening with a good dose of humour and laughter would more likely make a woman more receptive to sex. This implied that a woman would more likely be in the mood for some fucking after a good comedy OR after sharing a good laugh with their date. I'm starting to think the researchers made this up entirely. I've not managed to laugh the panties off any woman to date.

I seriously don't think women get wet in their panties hearing why the chicken crossed the road. 

I need to start watching some Hugh Grant movies......



Anonymous May 15, 2010 at 2:27 AM  

Care to share n pass on the skills to make man or woman laugh lol


Compulsive Blogger May 18, 2010 at 6:06 PM  

Haha... I'm afraid charm school isn't quite my specialty.

Only 1 in 4 women laugh at my lame jokes - and my mum laughs all the time anyway. The other 3 usually go -_-"

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