Monday, May 31, 2010

Frequent Sex = Good Grades

Did you read this?

So this teacher goes on to win an award for excellence. He goes up stage,and effectively tells the whole nation "You want good grades? You want a healthy lifestyle? Get some!" Hahahaha......

Here's the little bastard's face:

"So remember kids, stay in school. Don't do drugs. Get laid regularly..."

So the secret to excellence is seems.. it to read a little every night (he didn't specify if it should be Playboy or Penthhouse) and get jiggy with your wife like there's no tomorrow, failing which, you will have dash all hopes of winning an award like said fellow. The guy's a freaking rabbit I tell you....

Damn. Here I was thinking we actually have to do stuff like exercise, and eat healthily... when in fact, this guy has just pretty much confirm what all men suspected all along : Getting laid is the key to success...

I just have one question: Does masturbating count?

Monday, May 24, 2010


I felt quite amused reading this article:

Gay porn's most shocking taboo - Pornography -

Then, I watched some of the video's and then it just felt weird.

First of all they're twin brothers - damn hunky ones at that. Then, they both happen to be gay too. And to top it all off, they literally fuck each other. Seriously. Ass hole and all.... The horsing by the beach wouldn't feel so weird if they were just two regular (heterosexual) brothers... but I was half expecting them to kiss each other at any moment.

The media aptly names it twincest.

Does it get any more taboo than that?

And this isn't some gay porno shit where it's all role play for the camera. This is REAL. They really are brothers and lovers.

The article talks about how even among the gay community, this is really pushing the envelope and considered quite extreme. I kind of chuckled at that. It's OK to fuck another man if you like penises and hairy assholes instead of boobs and pussies... but not if the dude is your brother, because that would be an abomination? Really? I can't really see how the logic works. If the homosexual point of defense is that this is who they are hence they shouldn't be discriminated against, couldn't the incestuous couples say the same thing? If you allow one concession - that it's OK to be gay on the basis that it is their natural (albeit dysfunctional) disposition, why not will you not allow the other? Its the pot calling the kettle black.

I'm not defending incest... neither am I trying to pick on homosexuals. But for me, the day you declared that it's OK for two men to kiss and fuck each other, you kinda loose your right to outrage when you see a guy fuck his own brother... or sister for the matter.

But then again, by the same token, I don't really have a right to speak out against gay men kissing or hugging in public either.... especially when I (along with 99% of the heterosexual male population) find lesbian sex scene totally awesome.

Live and let live I guess.....


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Horny Goat Weed

I've be ultra horny lately.

I've even been surfing porn in office. 

I need to get laid. 
If you're a woman, and you're horny too.. GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!

Ooh, somebody stop me! 

P/S: The man who named Horny Goat Weed as such sure had a good sense of humour. I think we can all guess what was on his mind at the time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


You understand why proper punctuation is literally so fucking important now?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mind. Blowing. Sex.

People like joking that if you appear to be particularly sunny some mornings, it's probably because you got some the night before. I find it hard to deny that. It's hard not to wake up humming 'My Girl' by the Temptations after just having mind blowing sex the night before.

But just getting some isn't quite the same as getting it good.

You can have a lot of sex, with many different people and don't feel quite satisfied. Quantity isn't the same as quality. It looks like the same applies for sex. How many people have you have sex with? How many of them were good? Probably just a handful? That handful are probably people with their good share of experience or is your regular partner right? In both cases, they know which buttons to push to make for mind blowing sex. On the other hand, if you haven't had ANY good sex ever, you're not have nearly enough sex yet, you're damn unlucky, or the problem is you.

Every time we think of sex with someone new, be it a fuck buddy, a casual fling, someone you picked up at the bar, or even a prostitute, our minds automatically think of some hot and dirty time in bed where you fuck each others brains out.

But the reality isn't always so exciting. There is such thing as crappy sex. And crappy sex happens you're fucking with someone who doesn't really want to fuck you back.

Alcohol is a great way to get people to lighten up and get people into the mood. But too much usually results in men not even being able to get a proper hard on. And when you're wasted, you aren't really thinking about sex... in fact, you aren't really thinking at all. So, if you want to avoid crappy sex... drink some, but not too much.

Money is another thing. Paying for a fuck is just about the surest way to guarantee crappy sex. When you pay a woman to have sex, it's you that's getting fucked - when the money left your wallet. And if and when she screams in pleasure, she's probably thinking about the new Gucci bag she can now afford to buy using your money. Once you're done, she's out the door faster than you can say 'herpes'. Pay the woman, and she'll fuck you - in more ways than one.

Of course, there are a lot of other reasons for crappy sex. Bad breathe and body odour comes to mind - though I'm lucky not to come across either so far. Freaky bed habits, like emitting weird noises or a stoned expression during intercourse are some. But the worst kind of sex is probably the kind well described to me once by someone when they said: "She drops her skirt, lies on the bed, spreads her legs and waits. It's like fucking a mannequin." In a nutshell, a lousy, non participative bedfellow. Damn.

But in my opinion, the biggest reason for crappy sex is - lack of experience. Size may or may not matter, but experience most certainly does. Ignoring everything else said above, sex with someone who knows what they're doing is always infinitely better than doing it with someone green. Contrary to what most guys think of themselves, we aren't born as sex gods and goddesses in bed. It takes a lot of learning and experimenting. I know a lot of guys highly rate banging young, inexperienced virgin women. Awkward pauses, lack of technique, teeth biting (ouch!) and the lacking of confidence - virgins are over rated. What the hell is wrong with you guys? Give me a real woman for goodness sake.

As for the men - we have our faults too. By default, men usually think they are real maestros in bed, hence they don't bother learning anything. In hindsight, I'll be the first to admit that I was a pretty crappy sex partner for a long long time - selfish, predictable & lazy. That's everything you don't want to be if you want show a lady a good time. I think the chief culprit here is porn - the sex tutorial video of most men. It makes us think that a good fuck is as simple as grab ass, suck nipples and bang hard.

But that's not quite it isn't it? You've got to learn which spots to touch; how much, how hard, how gentle. You've got to learn to read cues; what does she like, what turns her on, what doesn't she like? You've got to learn how to maneuver various positions; missionary with one leg up, two? Doggy standing, kneeling? Sideways? Legs together, apart? Subtle things often make big differences. And never, ever, ever underestimate the importance of kissing. Learn how to kiss passionately and her panties WILL be soaking wet by the time you take them off.

The thing I eventually realize was that our biggest sex organ is our brain (no, it's not your penis dude). The thing that gets ultimately stimulated is the brain. That's why it's called mind blowing sex. It brings new meaning to the term - fucking your brains out.

Anyway, take what I say with a pinch of salt. I'm not a love guru, and I don't have a long line of women knocking on my door waiting for a good fuck. Can't say I didn't wish it though.

I'm just a guy who knows crappy sex when he gets it..... that is when he gets any at all.


Laughing Your Panties Off

You know how some men are real charmers? They ooze with so much masculinity and sexual energy that women get wet in their panties just by looking (or talking) to them. Well, I'm not one of them. But I do love to hate them. I don't know how to charm women. I don't know how to get them wet in their panties.

Maybe if I had a British accent I could, but I grew up freaking KL. The only British line I know is "Yeah Baby!" by Austin Powers. I doubt that'd work.

But there is one thing I think I can do - make women laugh. Not in the goofy slapstick kind of way ala Jim Carey, but the drier more subtle kind of funny that will get you smiling and chuckling rather than bursting out loud. I don't mean to brag, but I've been told a few times by women that it's actually an appealing quality. Women like being with a man who can make them laugh. At least, that's what a few of them said. I know how to hold a good conversation (mainly by shutting up and letting the woman do all the talking), I know how to complement a woman sincerely and I am think I am reasonably witty. I'm pretty confident in saying that I am reasonably good company.

................................OK, you can puke now.

Unfortunately, it's not exactly the kind of gift that will land a lot of women in your bed. I read somewhere that researches found that an evening with a good dose of humour and laughter would more likely make a woman more receptive to sex. This implied that a woman would more likely be in the mood for some fucking after a good comedy OR after sharing a good laugh with their date. I'm starting to think the researchers made this up entirely. I've not managed to laugh the panties off any woman to date.

I seriously don't think women get wet in their panties hearing why the chicken crossed the road. 

I need to start watching some Hugh Grant movies......


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