Saturday, January 16, 2010

With Nothing at all...

I met a woman.

She was amazing.

She was Coffee Girl.

And I was Lost Lonely Boy

She was full of contradictions.

Easily content, but never stagnant.

She had ever changing opinions, but also deeply rooted principles.

Some days she's quietly baking cookies at home,

Other days, she's single handedly taking on the whole world.

She fights you every tooth and nail, every inch and mile.

But she goes along with everything you want,

and showers you with nothing but care and attention

She’d laugh and smile at every lame joke you made,

Not because it was funny, but because it was you saying it.

I couldn't think of a more beautiful thing to behold.

She could turn a cold shoulder, and make her heart hard as stone.

And nothing you did would move her. NOTHING...

But she could love you for every wrinkle, wart and pimple on your face,

even if the world turned its back on you and made you an outcast.

She'd defend you even in your absence, like you meant the world to her.

Because when she loves you, you DO.

She’ll stand by you to the ends of the earth,

And give all her heart and all her love, to you, and you only.

Because despite all the contradictions

there was one thing about her that remained unchanging.

With her,

it was always going to be all or nothing at all.

And so I sit here,

With nothing at all.

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