Saturday, June 13, 2009

Horny Sisters

So here's the deal,

I was introduced recently over a business dinner to this successful family doing business in the oil and gas industry... supplying equipment to Petronas... yawn... yawn.. I know....

Here's the interesting part, this successful millionaire Datuk runs his business mainly with the support of his 2 eldest daughters and 1 son.. all of which are below 30 years old......Before actually meeting them, I was of course well informed before hand of how this 2 women were... drives a porche, pretty, slim and extremely FLIRTY.... I had no idea...

We were having dinner also with some European counterparts.... and and gosh.. the european guy and the girl were all over each other, sending signals... flirting very lightly...Of course, she was careful to behave herself in front of her father..... but you know.. there are ways around these things..

After dinner, we were supposed to slit ways.. but the daughter wanted to hang out with my boss and our european associates more over in the pubs in KL. She said she would go back with her parents and try to sneak out later.... She was already fast exchanging text messages with her new found european boyfriend by the time we split.. But I guess the father understood her daugther only too well.... she never got to sneak out that night. But it didn't stop her from asking what was the european guys hotel room number just in case she managed to get out! Boy....I think our friend was seriously thinking he was about to score with the datuk's daughter.. Times like this makes me wish I was caucasian instead.. they get all the fun.. they get all the women!

But anyway... I went home that night wondering "Damn... how come I never get so lucky?"... hahha... jealously I guess... The next 3 days I was in an oil and gas exhibition, which also involved this family... As luck would have it, I bumped into this lady.. She came right up to me and started chatting with me, as if we were old buddies.. and she was telling me about all these 'gatal old men'.. who seemed to constantly try to get naughty with her.. she shared that these guys all think she was easy.... but those who really know her would know she was not...


There were 2 questions... actually 3 racing through my own gatal mind then.....

#1 By talking to her and chatting her up, did she think I was one of those gatal men trying to score with her?

#2 If she did... would I even get to second base?

#3 Doesnt she realize that by standing so close to me while talking... starting me so deeply in the eyes and sharing all this intimate talk with works like 'gatal' and 'easy' and 'horny', that I could easily have mistaken that she was coming on to me? I was really trying to focus on what she was saying.. and trying to listen to her as a person.. but the fact that she was standing so close to me.. talking right into my face.....

Well, as much as I fantasized that the answer to all 3 would be yes... The reality was No, no... and no.....

Either I took a step back to a more social personal space and concentrate on our conversation, or I remain in this close intimate proximity fantasizing about a non exististent fliritng session going on.. I chose the latter....

But that didn't stop me from having my mind wondering of course. Truth be told, I have never ever had an honest conversation with another women about their horny feelings... I have never had a women openly flirt with me in a sexual way... Do women ever feel horny the way we guys do? Do you ever just have this urge to just get it on with a guy and just screw...I don't think any woman would readily admit it out in the open just like that.... but it sure would be cool to me to know they did.

I honestly believe that in our society... our women are a lot more in the closet when it comes to sex and sexuality... Its not uncommon to hear of guys being horny..... and if a guy is horny.. then he's just 'being a man'... or a player.. But if a woman admits she's horny.... and that she too desires sex...she's considered 'loose' or slutty' or 'easy'.... Its just one of those things about society I guess....

So back to the story... it was kind hard not to have perverted thoughts for last 3 days.. seeing these 2 flirty sisters in action everyday... the gatal stories from others around me about them didn't help either... Its all fun and games for us all.... and heck.... they are full grown adult anyway.. they should be free to do as they please.... I just wonder how the father would react if he heard half the stories I have heard.

I mean... I'm all for sexual liberation and all that stuff... but if ever the day comes where I do get into some interesting sexual escapades... discretion is the name of the game baby...... If you are having some fun on the side... keep it low... keep it discreet... and have you fun... But you know you are really screwed (literally and metaphorically) when people you meet for the first time already know you are a horny little nympho before the first hello.....


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