Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Porn Blog This Ain't

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted anything here of late, it’s really because of this; I’m waiting to see if this blog will die a natural death if I leave it alone long enough. I was kind expecting that with the lack of any updates that people will lose interest. But apparently it’s not for some reason. And I think that reason is ‘sex’ rather than my actual writing skills. The world is perpetually craving for sex.

I can write the stupidest, shallowest most meaningless post here, slap a picture of a naked woman and tag the word ‘sex’ and ‘fuck’ all over it and it will very surely get more pageviews than if I sat down and spent 2 hours writing out something really honest truth about something. Most people are more interested in quick fucks rather than long lasting relationships. And that’s how I see this blog sometimes – that most people surfing all this ‘sex blogs’ are really just looking for some sort of thrill… similar to the ones you get in a quick fuck.

I know this for a fact because I actually have a separate blog which I do my actual blogging and then there’s this one – some weird manifestation of my alter ego. It’s this one, and not the other that gathers all the attention. And that’s natural, because no one really wants to listen to another person rant on and on about their life and read paragraphs and paragraphs of emo shit. But everyone wants to see cleavage, everyone wants pussy, everyone a piece of ass. We all want to see and read about who and how other people are fucking in bed. And I see that’s what a lot of the more popular sex blogs offer… which to me… just changes the whole thing from ‘sex blog’ to ‘porn blog’. I love porn… but too much of it just melts your brain and make you retarded.

Sex is a powerful motivator, but it’s an oversexed world out there. Every conceivable desire is deliberately tied back to sex; gadgets, beer, car, cloths, drinks etc; virtually all of them have a seductive woman in its advertisement. We all want sex, and when you link sex to that thing.. by extension, you will want that too.

Writing with sex as a theme isn’t that hard. You just talk ready crudely; say ‘fuck’ a lot and write everything from the perspective or a horny bastard, put in a few witty lines, lots of naked photos, and link to every Tom, Dick and Harry also doing the same thing.

But it’s hard for me, because after a while, you start feeling incredibly shallow… and HOLLOW. When you isolate sex out of the context it’s meant to be in, namely proper relationships, you’re essentially removing a shell from its body. Outwardly, it still looks yummy and exciting but it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing crumbles apart from the inside. Horniness is a fleeting sensation. It can’t stand on its own for very long. And so I’ve refrain from any sort of post at all. I could reveal more and write about my actual sex experiences, which woman, where, how etc. But just so you know, I’m very old fashioned. A gentleman shouldn’t kiss and tell. Even if it’s all kept anonymous, I owe it to them to treat the matter with respect and discretion. If I do write something, it should be done tastefully and in proper light; not ‘hey-look-I-banged-one-more’ (which would actually be more popular)

I was just reading about a certain sex porn blogger who’s actually organizing a massive gang bang between 2 women and probably half the male population in Singapore. On the surface, that does sound like some pretty crazy, wacked up shit…. considering they are opening it to all their regular readers. But I just can’t help but wonder; what is this, community service? For the ladies, It’s your body, your dignity. If you want to make it free access to one and all….well……. whatever tickles your fancy OK…. For the men, would you really want to dip your stick into somewhere every other dude’s sticking theirs? Where’s the thrill and enjoyment in that? Where’s the passion?

Sex is about passion more than anything else. It’s not just dick and pussy all rubbing together.

Anyway, I’m not here to impose my moral values on anyone. Who am I to tell you how to live your life.

For all the pageview I see this blog get, I just can’t help but wonder… is anyone even getting the things I’ve written? Or are you all just searching for the page with the juicy story and the naked pictures? Because there really is none.


Anonymous September 26, 2010 at 3:58 AM  

i enjoy reading it all
for me its like... looking into a guys brain lol

Compulsive Blogger September 27, 2010 at 2:15 PM  

LOL... Unfortunately, you're looking into a rather unusual brain. I duno if it fits with what other dudes think..

Anonymous January 4, 2011 at 5:56 PM  


Great post that I can't help but want to leave a comment.

I've come to realise that a blog (especially from a female blogger) that records a lot of sex encounters with different men, with lots of naked pictures of her will have the highest statistics. Sometimes you don't even need the stories.

I feel strongly for this statement you wrote, "I can write the stupidest, shallowest most meaningless post here, slap a picture of a naked woman and tag the word ‘sex’ and ‘fuck’ all over it and it will very surely get more pageviews than if I sat down and spent 2 hours writing out something really honest truth about something." I have exactly the same sentiments.

I was pushing hard for mine to be just a normal blog with some sexual content, when I realise it was a silly ideal. The vast blogs out there are sex blogs or porn blogs, like you say. At some point or other, I wonder, if I'm attracting the same readers, do I want to put too much personal stuff up there for the wrong kind of attention? That's when I cooled a lil off from blogging and even from replying comments/emails.

I guess, if I break it down to reasons, we do care about statistics because, like all the other common people out there, we just want to be heard. And we want to be accepted for this sexual side that we can't show to our close friends and family in real life. But end of the day, we need to remember why we started blogging in this track.

By now, I take the approach of blogging what I want to - I'm still keeping to my original intent of a blog with sexual content, and a blog with myself as the core reader. Even if my non-sexual posts gather me zero attention, I don't give a damn.

I hope you will continue writing with this passion and principle you have. You write well and again, I love this post. :)

(I have to apologise for my lengthy comment. Sorry.)

Anonymous January 5, 2011 at 2:46 PM  

I like it. It is full of passion, wit and it really really entertains. The concept of this anonymous blog is brilliant since you can pour your heart out and still remain unknown. I like it considering a man wrote it (where usually men boasts of sexual conquests etc. as you have said) but your content has a voice and most of all has a heart.

I am seriously thinking of doing a female counterpart for your blog, haha!

Compulsive Blogger January 7, 2011 at 1:24 PM  

Thanks you there Ms Anonymous..

Well... if you do start one, be sure to drop by here again to introduce your blog!

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