Tuesday, September 13, 2011

After The Fuck

Have you ever noticed how before you have sex, sex seem like such a big deal. You really feel like you could just die if you don't get some right now. You see a beautiful woman, and you want her, you hear a sexy voice and you want her. Your mind gets consumed by it.You think about the possible candidates you know that just my jump into bed for a short romp with you, and even the most unlikely ones get considered, like maybe your semi-blood related cousin, that girl you exchange dirty emails with, or the cute girl from next door.

And then you get some... and during sex, it really is the most fucking awesome thing you will experience in your life. You're spanking her ass, thrusting hard and giving it to her doggy style and you think to yourself "Oh-My-Fucking-God, I want to have sex 24hrs a day every day." And that thought just gets truer and truer the closer you are to climax.

Climax (or Orgasm) of course just feels like "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck FUCK YEAH!"

And then the whole things done and you just lie around in Post Coitus bliss for a while, smooching each other, smiling and just wanting to doze off into wonderland.

And then there's the next day.. and everything seems so... well... normal. You see a woman bend over, and the sight of her cleavage doesn't make you want to go jerk off in the bathroom right that instant. You can talk to that girl across the street without imagining her naked. Everything seems less sexed up. You wonder how you ever get so charged up about porn, or getting laid or having a threesome. After all, sex isn't everything in this life.

Of course, we only ever say or think that way after we've just gotten some... or if we get it regularly.

Men always get a bad rap for being horny. If a man openly talks about a sexy women, women roll their eyes and call them perverts. When women openly confess how hot Taylor Lautners abs are, it's supposed to be fine! Men don't roll their eyes in response because, well, we don't have Taylor Lautner's abs.

We're all sexual perverts in one way or another. We are all governed / motivated by our sexual desire. Some have strong impulses, some not so. I will be the first to admit that my sexual desires have let me to places, and made me do things I cannot speak about openly. And I know this is true for almost every normal, functional, sexual human adult.

If you're horny, is it so hard to admit it and be proud of it? It means you're not dysfunctional.

(I am of course, horny as I write this.)

Cheers everybody.


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