Monday, January 12, 2009

Secrets You'll Never Know

OK! First post on a new blog again. Haha.. for some reason, it just feels refreshing. Like getting a flesh clean sheet of paper, there for your to scribble whatever you want. I know its cliche, but I guess this is the part I explain what I will be writing in this blog.

I dedicate this blog to all the deepest darkest secrets that you will never know. You meaning anyone who isn't me. That means just about everyone else. So often, we live, we think, we speak, we react. But just like the suface is only the tip of an iceberg, many of us have thoughts that never leave the mind. Things that we say are a result of our rational, our reasoning and our self censoring. Not many people say everthing they think all the time, simple because some thoughts are never meant to see the light of day. But mainly, its because those thoughts are either forbidden, or wrong in the eyes of society. So we keep these secrets thoughts that we have, even if they are just thoughts, deep in our own chest, not revealing it to anyone. Like how you secretly lust for a friend, how you are always imagining your neighbour naked. It isn't always about sex. Sometimes its a selfish thought, sometimes its wanting to cause harm, sometimes its revenge, sometimes its deliberate skipping class, other times, its just plain old cheating. We even act on those dark secret thoughts sometimes, in times of weakness.

S this is what this blog will be about. Me writing all the acts and thoughts that go through my head, that's just plain wrong. Maybe it will shock you, maybe it will bore you, or maybe it will make you realise just how similar we all are. Who knows, I may not be the only one thinking all these thoughts after all. Till the next post, I declare this blog, OPEN!


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