Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just A Click Away

I was talking to a friend a few nights ago.

She just got herself a new boyfriend.

"Where did you meet him?"

"On the internet....."

"As in Facebook?"

"No..... as in online dating agency."

"You serious? Doesn't that seem kind of........desperate?"

"Maybe it does seem that way over here. But in Australia, it's pretty common. And the people who sign up are pretty genuine and sincere. They aren't dodgy like the ones here."

"OK. So what does he look like?"

She shows me a picture of him. My eyes widen as I took good look at him. Caucasian. Well built. Six Pack. Tone muscles.

"You sure you didn't steal this picture off Men's Health Magazine or something?"

I am greeted with a smack.

"He's a nice guy. And he meets a lot of my requirements. And so far, so good." she said with a grin that seemed to hint that there was more to that statement.

They guy was certainly a hunk. It kinda annoyed me why all these Caucasian men seemed to be stealing away all our Asian women. Not that I mind too much, it's just that it's more of  a one way street. Caucasian women seldom ever get attracted to Asian men.

I looked at her very intently. I wanted to ask what was really on my mind but another friend was there, so I held my tongue. She had just broken up at the beginning of the year. I suspected that her main 'requirements' was a steady source of sex. We've talked openly about it before, and I know sex was a big deal to her.. or rather, NO SEX was a big deal to her. Which I totally understand.... being a guy and all.

I mean, here she was this woman, who knew EXACTLY what she wanted. She wanted a man, and a hunky one at that, one that would satisfy her sexual needs NOW. And all she had to do was click... click... and click.....

And I was thinking

Why the hell can't I find such a thing?

Mark my words... ANY woman can easily pick a man up for sex.. be it at the bar, in the club or on the interenet just by snapping her fingers (or clicking her mouse in this case).. But not for men. It all comes back to the economics of supply and demand. There is an oversupply of horny men looking for sex. We're not a dime a dozen a hundred times over. Even if you are smart, intelligent and witty *ahem* it's virtually impossible for you to be differentiated in the sea horny men. And all you really have to differentiate yourself from the rest, is the size of your penis.... Doesn't help that I'm Chinese.



Anonymous July 16, 2010 at 1:15 AM  

Be proud u are a Chinese as your Asia dick is hard not soft
like Ang mo
But woman prefer penis thick n (min- medium size above ). Most impt is man who is sensitive plus a good at pleasing woman haha too much to ask lol

ps: mind if u share the webby? :)


Compulsive Blogger July 19, 2010 at 12:09 PM  

Yes, Chinese men are HARD! Roar! ROFLOL...

I assume u r talking bout my previous post? Here's the blog

Anonymous July 19, 2010 at 10:06 PM  

I refer to the social webby :)


Compulsive Blogger July 20, 2010 at 10:48 AM  

Ah... I see, I see... Sorry, got mixed up.

Unfortunately, I don't have the webby as my friend didn't want to tell which one. But it's mainly for ppl living in Australia.

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