Thursday, July 29, 2010

Corporate Strategy on Abstinence

I got to give it to the our local government sometimes. They really know how to entertain you.

Today's headline news was No Sex Please, We Are Students

In fact, this was actually brought up in Parliament. The government wants to go on a campaign to tell students not to have sex until their married.
It cited that there were 21 cases of pregnancies out of wedlock last year (assuming in university). I wonder what kind of retarded source they're getting their data from. I also suspect that the Ministry of Education has it's offices based on Pluto......

Because wake up Auntie.... almost everyone... E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E ... is screwing around these days. Be them Muslims, Christians, Buddhist or terrorist. If the former Health Minister was screwing around, do you really think healthy, hot blooded, horny, hormone induced young students experiencing total freedom away from home for the very first time are going to abstain?


I think not. If you want to teach them that they should wait until they get, married.... They will be thinking "Fuck, who knows when THAT will be.. I can't wait that long..." and bang... someone's getting lucky tonight. I don't know about other people, but by the time I was 16, I already knew there was no way I was to 'wait till the right one' before I started engaging in sex.

If you REALLY want to do something constructive.... just prepare a simple slide show presentation of STDs and AIDS with the most gory and disturbing pictures you can find of peoples deformed genitalia... LIKE THIS:



Then for dramatic effect, take 2 dozen condoms and fling it in the air and say

"Fuck around and use one of these if you think you're so smart....But did you know that even condom companies dare not 100% guarantee the effectiveness of their product?"

"The good news is, if you do ever get  HIV / AIDS you can screw around as much as you want from then on... Cuz you're as good as a goner anyway. Most STDs can be controlled, but never cured."

Perhaps one on one, proper reasoning and debate would convince a person to abstain for  higher purposes. But I tell you my friend, if you want an effective abstinence programme to work in this country... you need to strike more than just the fear of God in peoples hearts.. You need to include Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Scabs, Herpes and good old HIV.....

Didn't they teach you that in school?


P/S: Someone should seriously hire me as a Sex Education Consultant... :-P


Anonymous July 30, 2010 at 1:21 AM  

hiaz fun comes with price definitely no one is absolute trust-able. so best before have sex ask the person/fling do a check which is hmmm a question mark??? will he or she do it?? lol
my advice : beware of your partner or spouse always do a health check ;p


Compulsive Blogger July 30, 2010 at 11:09 AM  

Yup. U certainly are one wise woman!

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