Protection during the World Cup...
UK gives South Africa millions of condoms
What are they going to do, distribute condoms at the airport? Here's a quick fact check.
- Football - Worlds Most Popular Sport with largest number of fans.
- Fans - Predominantly full grown men who get drunk with beer and watch ESPN
- Men - Testosterone driven animals with eternal passion for only 2 things; football & sex.
- Sex - Means of human reproduction. The only thing men love more than football. Also how STD's are transmitted.
- STD's - The only thing keeping us all humping each other like chimpanzees in the wild African bush.. till now.
- Africa - 2nd largest continent in the world... also has the highest percentage of HIV /AIDS carriers. Incidentally host to the World Cup this year when throngs of horny, drunken men will alight on for a good few months.
So, if you add things up:
Men + Africa + Men's 2 biggest passions = DISASTER.
Condoms? Don't make me laugh. If you're serious about preventing another global AIDS pandemic, start giving these out at the airport.
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