Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Moments that Take Front Seat

I used to love this show so much.I just remembered why


I was loosing her
Guess I knew I had to but....

I want to stay, you know that. You got to know that more than anything...
But there was nothing more I could say except 
"I'm sorry......"

"I'm not..."

I wanted to stay there in that night 
more than anything I'd wanted before
But I knew I couldn't 
I was 15, I slept under a roof my father own, 
in a bed my father bought
Nothing was mine, 
except my heart, 
and my fears 
and my growing knowledge
That not every road was going to lead home anymore


Moments like that never really leave you
You try burrowing them at the very back of your mind
But they often end up taking a front row seat in your heart 


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