Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sex Robot? WTF Man?

I read this in shock:

World’s first sex robot wants to hold hands

Something is seriously wrong here.. Seriously. The most surprising part of it all was in the end, that said

"In a 2007 book, Love and Sex with Robots, British chess player and artificial intelligence expert David Levy argues that robots will become significant sexual partners for humans, answering needs that other people are unable or unwilling to satisfy"

Robots will become a SIGNIFICANT sexual partner for humans? WTF man? Since when can a robot ever replace our needs as people, for sex and companionship? I can't decide which is worse, talking and making love to a goat or talking and making love to a robot.

I speak as someone that's seriously lacking any sex or companionship of late. No matter how lonely, how horny, how needy you are, I don't think talking to a robot (or a goat for the matter) is going to cut it. You need a real life human being, with two eyes, two ears, lips, a biological heart and of course, a compatible reproductive system. No batteries (or tail). Can you imagine how sad and pathetic it would be to be sitting there, flirting, talking and hitting on a robot you can programme to say anything?

Sex is one of the most powerful things that connect two people together. Whether it's a one night stand, a casual fuck or a long term thing, sex always feels good to us because you are literally connected to that other person. They are one with you, you are one with them.. and since we are all hard wired for connection, establishing that connection feels fucking great.

And what about this? A robot is lifeless.... How the hell are you supposed to connect with a robot? What kind of needs could a robot fulfill that another human being cannot? A big, fat, stinky, old man/woman would do a better job satisfying your needs that a robot will be able to. Heck... I think even the goat will fare better. :-S

But then again, we all know better than to take sex and love advice from a chess player, no matter how intelligent he is.


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