Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today Ain't one of those days....

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You know how some days you just feel like pouring your heart? You feel like if you don't share what's on your mind, or what' you're feeling, you heart feels like it is going to literally burst? You feel upset, you fell blue, you feel like the sky is falling and nothing seems right and everything just feels wrong? Know the feeling?

You want to know something?


Nope. No-Sir-EEE.

Today I'm happy. OK, that's an understatement. Today, I'm way more than happy. I'm GREAT. No I didn't win the lottery. Today's one of those days where you feel like you're floating around dream-like state. You go through the motions of daily life... you perform all the functions of the earth.... but your mind is high up, in outer space somewhere, orbiting Venus probably.

Some secrets you feel like you need to share else it'd kill you. Others, you just want to keep to yourself and soak it all in.

You smirk, you smile, you giggle to yourself. The word thinks you're behaving like a total goof. But that's ok..... Cuz you know something they don't. Cuz you've got a secret and for once... it's a fantastic one.



eros December 11, 2009 at 6:19 AM  

So, should we congratulate you for acting upon your desire, a good fucking experience? :)

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